What’s Going On Right Now (5/5/11)


Spring by morning_rumtea
Image by morning_rumtea

Today is the National Day of Prayer, with the theme A Mighty Fortress is Our God.

The new classic A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller {Amazon Affiliate link} is available on Kindle for a limited time for free!

Tim Challies is restarting his Reading Classics Together book club on his blog. If you’d like to be involved and have a Christian classic you’ve always meant to read (or one worth reading again), make sure to suggest it in the comments on his post.

It’s recently been announced that the C. S. Lewis classic The Great Divorce will be made into a film.

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My mom is featured as a homeschooling success story on the FPEA website! 🙂

Did you see friends posting the quote “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy” attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. after the death of Bin Laden? Dr. King never said that, as explained in this article on the anatomy of a fake quotation.

My friend Kate and I went to see Atlas Shrugged on Friday, and were amazed we’d seen the same movie as the critics lambasting it. Really. Go see it.

If you weren’t at the George McPhee organ concert on Sunday you missed something really special. All the concerts in the Fine Arts at Saint Andrew’s series have been spectacular. You won’t want to miss any more, so mark these dates on your calendar for the rest of 2011 (and Like us on Facebook while you’re at it)!

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Finally, Mother’s Day is this Sunday. If that takes you by surprise, why not give Mom an Amazon gift card? {Amazon Affiliate link} Let’s face it: you’re running out of time!