What’s Going On Right Now (4/20/11)

Crazy Colored Easter Eggs by Danielle Rebel
Image by Danielle Rebel

Jennette Fulda wrote a great review of Wendy McClure’s new book The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie {Amazon Affiliate link}:

Know that those places you visit might seem smaller because you’ve become bigger. Sometimes you have to go there, though. Sometimes you need to know where you came from so you can better see where you are and who you love.

The CHOW blog did a great post on the recipes found in a handwritten cookbook from 1889.

Gene Veith posted some of a piece Sally Kohn wrote in the Washington Post. He sums it up:

She concludes that the problem is that liberals are just basically good tolerant people, while conservatives are mean.  Liberals, she argues, need to stop being tolerant of conservatives.

The rest of this week will be posts related to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. The Resurgence blog tells some of the history behind our traditions– Since When Did Bunnies Have Eggs?