What’s Going on Right Now (2/14/11)

Valentine by corrieb
Image by corrieb

For all who wondered exactly how Seth Godin’s abandoning traditional publishing would go, check out this cool idea. He’s lowering the Kindle price $1 for every 5,000 email subscribers.

It is Valentine’s Day, and Gene Veith reminds us that romantic love within marriage was something the Reformers brought back.

If you’d like a little more romance in your everyday life– married or single– check out this Mr. Darcy proposal towel on Etsy.

On a practical note, did you know that Experian is now going to start including rental history in your credit report? Could be good news for those of us who are debt-free.

I found this encouraging: Are you taking your faith to the marketplace?

On a geeky note, apparently some scientists took pictures and approximated the average face of different ethnicities. I thought it was pretty accurate, though it doesn’t account for mixed ethnicities.

Fellow Jeopardy! nerds, who else will be watching men vs. computer this week?

I can’t say I haven’t wanted to do something similar from time to time… the Cleveland Stadium Corp’s response to a lawyer concerned about paper airplanes.