What I’ve been cooking lately

This post has been a long time coming; partly because I’ve not been cooking every night but mostly because I’ve been in a rut and what I have been cooking you’ve already seen! I took some time to peruse Tasty Kitchen and now have several weeks’ worth of new recipes to try! Those are coming soon. 🙂

Let’s see…

Bekka and I enjoyed mini cinnamon rolls with cream cheese glaze, inspired by these Itty Bitty Cinnamon Roll Bites

Sarah Fowler - mini cinnamon rolls

Easter went by without any special food. It was a great day in other ways. There were jelly beans, though!

Sarah Fowler - jelly beans

I made a cheesecake for Mother’s Day, which I should have taken a better picture of! It had a graham cracker crust and I wound up topping it with chocolate ganache.

Sarah Fowler - cheesecake

I made chicken with white wine cream sauce a while back

Sarah Fowler - chicken with white wine cream sauce

One Friday night I made roasted pork loin with balsamic vinaigrette

Sarah Fowler - roasted pork loin with balsamic vinaigrette

and popovers, which were delicious.

Sarah Fowler - popovers

Then for the Kentucky Derby last weekend Kate and I made mint juleps, of course!

Sarah Fowler - mint julep