Weekly Devotional: George MacDonald

George MacDonald wrote A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul (Amazon Affiliate link), which is a book of poems for every day of the year. I actually heard about it in a letter C. S. Lewis wrote to a friend in his pre-Christian days. I’m determined to read more George MacDonald (thankfully a lot of his work is available for free on Kindle) since both C. S. Lewis and Elisabeth Elliot list him as an influence!

Boy Trec by chefranden
Image by chefranden

This is the entry for March 25:

Be by me, Lord, this day. Thou know’st I mean–
Lord, make me mind Thee. I herewith forestall
My own forgetfulness, when I stoop to glean
The corn of earth–which yet Thy hand lets fall.
Be for me then against myself. O lean
Over me then when I invert my cup;
Take me, if by the hair, and lift me up.