Books I Read This Month (March 2011)

Books by shutterhacks
Image by shutterhacks

I read more than I thought I would in March. I hope I’m able to keep that trend continuing because I currently have about ten books out from the library, waiting expectantly on my coffee table. Looking forward to diving into the next batch! Again I remind you that I post all these to GoodReads, so get yourself an account and let’s be friends over there!

Seth Godin’s new book (and an awesome success in his new publishing model), Poke the Box.

A biography of Emily Post (Emily Post: Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners) that was more of a fascinating portrait of  her age (she lived from 1871-1960… she saw Reconstruction and Sputnik!) than her own life.

I re-read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the LOST book club. I meant to get to the other Chronicles of Narnia too, but I’ll just have to do the remainder this month! (By the way, have you heard they’re making a movie of The Magician’s Nephew next?)

Home to Holly Springs, which technically I should have read before I read the second Father Tim novel… not that it matters that much. 😛

Having been recommended by pretty much everyone whose opinion I respect, I finally read The Five Love Languages Singles Edition. I think I already knew most of it since people refer to it so much, but there was definitely some new content I hadn’t internalized.

Live Alone and Like It: The Classic Guide for the Single Woman, a reprinting from 1939 that’s hilarious to read in 2011. It used to be subtitled “The Guide for the Extra Woman”!

The King’s Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy, the nonfiction biography of Lionel Logue written by his grandson (after they began working on the movie). Well done.

Keep a Quiet Heart, which I read slowly during my quiet time with the Lord (started it in February). Now one of my all-time favorites.

Just last night I finished Gary Vaynerchuk’s latest, The Thank You Economy. I’m with Seth Godin on this one: “give a copy to your clueless boss”!

(Products are Amazon Affiliate links.)

Let me know what you’re reading too!