Books I Read This Month (April 2011)

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Image by shutterhacks

I’m really not doing well on my goal to read 100 books in 2011 (see sidebar)… I need to catch up a lot in May!

Still, I did some reading in April…

The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis – awesome biography of his intellectual life

Millionaire Women Next Door: The Many Journeys of Successful American Businesswomen – lots of interesting facts and statistics

Common as Air: Revolution, Art, and Ownership – a treatise on copyright or the lack thereof

Chronicles of Narnia (namely Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair) – which hold up even better than I remembered. Truly great books.

At Home: A Short History of Private Life – Bill Bryson. I now have enough interesting facts and stories to last me at least the next few months of cocktail parties 🙂

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